Flood Protection
Flooding is the nation's most common natural disaster, as it can occur anywhere at any time. Some may develop slowly during an extended period of rain or can gradually rise due to the moon like King Tides. Flash floods can occur quickly, even without any visible signs of rain. Be prepared for flooding no matter where you live, but especially if you are in a low-lying area, or live near a body of water. Even a very small canal or lake can overflow and create flooding.
Protecting Property
Flood proofing a house or structure means altering it so flood waters will not cause damage. Permanent measures may include elevating the structure, re-grading the topography, relocating the building out of the floodplain, or installing floodwalls or structural closures as a barrier against flooding. While these permanent measures may be expensive, you may determine that the benefits outweigh the costs. Other common measures include elevating electrical panel boxes, furnaces, water heaters and washer/dryers to locations less likely to flood.
Prepare for Flooding
Do not walk through flowing water or drive through flooded areas: Drowning is the number one cause of flood deaths and currents can be deceptive; six inches of moving water can knock you off your feet. If you walk in standing water, use a pole or stick to ensure that the ground is still there. Also, do not disregard road barriers, the road or bridge may be washed out.
Stay away from power lines and electrical wires: Electrocution is the number two flood killer. Electrical currents can travel through water. Report downed power lines to Florida Power and Light at 305-442-8770 or contact the Village at 305-899-8000.
Have your electricity turned off by FPL: Some appliances, such as television sets, hold electrical charges even after they have been unplugged. Avoid using appliances or motors which have gotten wet unless they have been taken apart, cleaned and dried. It’s easy to stop your FPL service in case of emergency, call 800-226-3545 to stop and restart your service.
Be ready for the unexpected: Place important documents inside plastic bags or other waterproof containers. Review your insurance policy to ensure it provides adequate coverage and know what type of coverage you have, most policies cover windstorm damage, but not flooding. Any policy change usually takes 30 days before going into effect.
Look out for animals, especially snakes: Small animals that have been flooded out of their homes may seek shelter in yours. Use a pole or stick to poke, turn things over, and scare away small animals. Even domesticated animals may react differently after a disaster or storm and may bite or attack.
Fight the bite! Drain and cover: Use insect repellent on skin and clothing to keep mosquitoes away while outdoors. To report a mosquito nuisance, call 311 or download the free 311 Direct Mobile App.
Look before you step: After a flood, the ground and floors are covered with debris, including broken bottles and nails. Floors and stairs that have been covered with mud can be very slippery and create a hazard.
Be alert for gas leaks: If you use natural gas, use a flashlight to inspect for damage. Don’t smoke or use candles, lanterns or open flames unless you know the gas has been turned off and the area has been ventilated.
If you must evacuate: If you are required to evacuate, try to move to the house of a friend or family member not affected by the impending high waters. If you live in a mobile home or are electrically dependent, plan to evacuate at the first notice of the emergency conditions. Rehearse your evacuation plan with all household members, plan to leave early to avoid any traffic delays.
If you must evacuate: If you are required to evacuate, try to move to the house of a friend or family member not affected by the impending high waters. If you live in a mobile home or are electrically dependent, plan to evacuate at the first notice of the emergency conditions. Rehearse your evacuation plan with all household members, plan to leave early to avoid any traffic delays.
Register with the Miami-Dade County Emergency: Contact the Evacuation Assistance Program, at 305-468-5402, if you will need assistance to evacuate, discuss these tips with your neighbors and friends. Try to have a prearranged plan designating how you can contact your neighbors. If you must evacuate, inform each other of the places where you will be staying and leave contact telephone numbers and addresses.