Manager's Office
Manager's Role in Government
The Village Manager is the chief administrative officer of the Village and is reponsible to the Commission for the administration of all Village affairs and for carrying out the policies of the Commission.
As a Charter Officer, the Manager is appointed by the Commission for an indefinite term, meaning the Manager serves at the pleasure of the Commission and can be removed at any time. The current Manager, in an Interim role, is Albert P. Childress, MPA, MBA.
The purpose of having a manager is to provide long-term stability and continuity of operations. While the members of the Commission can change every two or four years, the Manager remains in his position and brings a long-term perspective of Village operations to each new Commission.
Official Capacity
The Manager serves as an advisor to the Commission in his capacity as the chief executive of the Village. He attends and can officially speak during all Commission meetings, however he does not vote. His primary role is to answer questions and make recommendations when requested to do so by the Commissioners.
He is also the primary contact for official Village business, serving as the daily point-of-contact for the Commissioners, residents, vendors, and other local, county, state, and federal government agencies.
The Manager also represents Biscayne Park at meetings with the Florida League of Cities (FLC), Miami-Dade County League of Cities (MDCLC), Miami-Dade City and County Management Association (MDCCMA), and the International City/County Management Association (ICMA).